Japanese SEO Content Creation for Hotel Search Engine


We created content pages focusing on searches in the format “area + accommodation” by utilizing the SEO services provided by IGNITE, a lodging facility search engine. We adopted a strategy to increase the number of users as well as improve domain rating (DR) and URL rating (UR).

Japanese SEO Content Creation for Hotel Search Engine
Hotel search engine

Displaying the relevant page in keyword searches

The challenge was how to display the relevant page in as many Japanese keywords as possible. Because there were 10,000 to 20,000 pages, the first issue was how to set up the page.

Our Solution

We identified keywords and regions with high demand from search console and various data, and prioritized them. By creating pages in order of priority, we were able to achieve maximum results with minimum resources.


Mass-producing high-quality pages within budget

The difficulty lay in how to create the pages. The key points were how to create as many pages as possible within the limited budget, how to ensure high-quality content, which keywords to target for which regions, and how far to go with mass-production.

Notre solution

We confirmed the search volume and implemented keyword measures. We clarified the keywords that needed to be addressed, and based on how much of the keywords could be included and whether they matched the page content, we considered how to proceed.


Speedy delivery and high-quality content creation

This time, not only was there a large volume of articles, but the issue was also how quickly we could deliver them. As it is a comparison site for accommodation facilities, we needed as many articles as possible. The competition was also very strong, so we needed high-quality content that had a good chance of winning. In addition to this, speed was also a priority.

Notre solution

We assigned five members from our writing team to handle this project. We also created a workflow that suited this client and sought to find ways to create articles efficiently within that framework. As a result, we were able to deliver high-quality content with a sense of speed.


Our Solution



371% increase in impressions

323% increase in clicks

In just two months, we achieved a 371% increase in impressions and a 323% increase in clicks.

URL evaluation increased

by 529% in two months

There was a

significant improvement of 529% in URL evaluation.

50 articles created per month

We delivered around 50 articles per month. Each article was created with a volume of 3,000 to 4,000 characters.


I think it was a difficult task to create the articles because we made various requests, but thank you for responding to our expectations in terms of both quality and speed. Furthermore, the communication was smooth, so we were able to proceed with peace of mind.


Thank you for allowing us to work on SEO for your accommodation search engine. We are very happy that we were able to propose the most suitable measures to meet the client's needs and achieve results.


Thanks to the SEO measures provided by IGNITE, we were able to significantly increase our organic traffic and URL rating in just two months. Going forward, we at IGNITE will continue to provide services tailored to our clients' needs and contribute to the success of their overseas marketing.

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