Instagram Posts and Ad Management for Promoting Sake and Shochu

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Comprehensive support centered around marketing strategy We launched a new website and design, and promoted the new brand image at international events. In addition, SEO measures greatly improved search engine rankings, and the number of social media followers and engagement also increased significantly.

Instagram Posts and Ad Management for Promoting Sake and Shochu
Organization that promotes traditional Japanese sake and shochu

Increasing the number of social media followers

The issue was how to increase the number of followers on social media. At the time, there were no followers, and the service was new, so it was impossible to predict how many followers it would gain.

Our Solution

We aimed for organic traffic with three posts per week, and increased the number of followers with posts that had high engagement. We also used hashtags to maximize impressions.


Creating high-quality posts

The challenge was to figure out how to create high-quality posts and where to find themes for the posts.

Notre solution

The posts were translated based on the client's information, and then summarized and localized to make them easier to understand. We also created images to go with them, and in order to aim for high-quality posts, we received final confirmation from the client and received feedback.


Increasing impressions and reach

As a new startup, we had the problem of how to increase impressions and reach. At the time, we were unable to communicate well with comments and direct messages from overseas, which led to a decline in impressions.

Notre solution

First, we analyzed the target audience and used advertising to boost posts, maximizing the number of impressions and reach. We also assigned one staff member to handle communication, including replying to direct messages and responding to comments. As it is difficult to use the translation function to communicate with foreigners, a native speaker was assigned to handle this responsibility.


We received many comments and direct mail from overseas, and the issue was how to communicate with them.

Our Solution

We assigned one staff member to handle communication, including responding to direct mail and comments. As it is difficult to use translation functions to communicate with foreigners, a native speaker was assigned to handle this responsibility.

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Increased Facebook followers by over 11,500

Increased social media account followers by over 11,500 (Facebook) and over 2,900 (Instagram), maintaining an average growth rate of 15% in terms of reach and engagement.

Content Selection and Optimization

We selected and optimized content for two target user groups: beginners and advanced users, using long educational content, downloadable content, interactive content, etc.

SEO measures increased organic

traffic by 15185.7%

Through the implementation of SEO measures, we succeeded in increasing the number of pages ranked 1st to 3rd on search engines by 1440%. The number of backlinks increased by 29800%, and organic traffic increased by 15185.7%.


Thank you for your detailed support. I think it was very difficult to start up Instagram from scratch, but we were able to increase our followers to the extent that we achieved our goals. Thanks to you, I think we were able to interest many foreign people.


We would like to express our sincere gratitude for entrusting us with support in a wide range of fields, from web development to project management. In this project, we were able to achieve management not only of the website, but also of a wide range of other areas, including social media, and we are proud to have contributed to achieving the project's goals. We hope to continue to increase the number of successful cases like this in the future.


In this project, we launched a new website and design, and achieved remarkable results through multi-layered user engagement and SEO optimization. We used a variety of media, from education to interactive content, to achieve high rankings in search engines and increase followers on social networking sites.

Case Studies

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