Translation of Brochures and Website for a Pet Product Company


Pet Supplies Company

We were in charge of translating the brochures and website of a pet supplies company, and provided high-quality translations that could be used to appeal at overseas exhibitions.

Translation of Brochures and Website for a Pet Product Company
Pet supplies manufacturer

Applying translation based on an outlined PDF of the brochure

When producing a brochure for an overseas exhibition, the condition was that it had to be submitted as a highly designed outlined PDF. Therefore, it was necessary to apply a natural translation while minimizing any disruption to the layout after translation.

Our Solution

We started by translating the brochure, then re-created the PDF outline from scratch and applied the translation to it. Using DTP software, we arranged the translated text appropriately without disrupting the layout of the original text. We also adjusted the font and character size to ensure that the translated content harmonized with the design.


Translating detailed information such as product barcodes and weights

We needed to accurately translate not only product information, but also detailed information such as barcodes, weights and ingredient names printed on the packaging.

Notre solution

We made agreements regarding detailed points such as product barcodes and weights, and carried out the translation. We made sure to translate accurately, taking into account technical terms and industry practices. We also set up a careful checking system to check the consistency of the original text and the translated information.


Website translation

At the same time as the pamphlets, it was also necessary to translate the company website. The website content was not limited to product information, but also included the company's philosophy and brand story.

Notre solution

We translated the website, and after the translation was complete, we checked it over several times to make sure there were no errors. We also took into account the differences between British and American English when translating. We aimed to create a translation that was more natural and easier to understand by using expressions that were appropriate for the target country or region. We also considered SEO measures and selected keywords to increase the number of website accesses.


Translation quality

As it would be used at an important event such as an overseas exhibition, it was absolutely necessary to avoid any mistranslations or misprints.

Our Solution

We carried out multiple rounds of native checks and proofreading to ensure that any mistranslations or misprints were thoroughly eliminated. We carried out careful checks to avoid the risk of being unable to make changes after printing. We also worked to ensure that there were no discrepancies in understanding by communicating closely with the client and checking any points of doubt immediately.



Accurate application of brochure translation

Thanks to high-quality translation and layout adjustments, we were able to produce an attractive brochure that caught the eye of many people at overseas exhibitions.

Translation of detailed points such as product barcodes and weights

Accurate translation has made it possible for overseas customers to purchase products with peace of mind.

Website translation

By translating our website into multiple languages, we were able to increase the number of overseas visitors to our site and expand our sales channels.


You responded to our requests. The translation of the brochure and website is wonderful, and we are confident that we will be able to appeal to many customers at overseas exhibitions.


We worked on this project with the utmost care and attention to translation quality in order to meet the client's expectations. We will continue to provide multilingual translation services in the future, making use of this experience. We are delighted to be able to help our clients achieve success in overseas markets.


In the case of the pet supplies company brochure and website translation, we were able to solve the client's issues and provide high-quality multilingual translation. In the future, we will continue to provide one-stop services to help our clients achieve their goals, including website creation, advertising, social media management, and translation, to help them increase sales.

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