Linkedin Account and Post Management for IT Recruitment Agency


We implemented a social media strategy to increase brand awareness and generate leads in Japan through content management of the Linkedin page for an IT recruitment agency.

Linkedin Account and Post Management for IT Recruitment Agency
IT recruitment agency

Increasing the number of Japanese followers on Linkedin

The majority of our followers on our Linkedin page were from overseas, so we wanted to increase the number of Japanese followers. Ultimately, we want to increase the number of Japanese people registering with us.

Our Solution

We posted 4 articles each month and sent out company information. Specifically, we provided information that IT professionals need and are looking for, and conveyed the message that the client company is a company that is beneficial to IT job seekers.


High-precision targeting and

increased impressions

Even though we were posting to our Linkedin page every month, the number of impressions was not increasing, and we were having trouble getting our posts seen by our target audience. Also, we did not have any data on the attributes of our followers or who was viewing our posts each month, so we wanted to see quantified data.

Notre solution

We ran LinkedIn ads to maximize impressions to our target audience. In particular, by utilizing LinkedIn data, we were able to target with high accuracy by region, industry, job title, etc., and reach the right audience. We also provided data from the IGNITE report that showed the countries where our followers lived, their job titles, and their job titles, as well as the results of our operation and engagement. In addition to simply listing the post data, we also explained the relevance to the business and reported in detail on the quantified data.


Improve engagement

We were worried about the fact that we were posting content but not getting any reaction, and that our engagement was not increasing.

Notre solution

In order to increase engagement, it is important to post on a daily basis in addition to regular posts. We operated a system where individuals posted short sentences or content with little volume, and the company reposted them. This allowed us to effectively increase engagement.


We wanted to see quantified data because we didn't have any data on the attributes of our followers or who was looking at our site each month.

Our Solution

In the report, we provided data on the countries where our followers lived, their occupations, job titles, etc., as well as the results of our operation and engagement. Furthermore, we not only listed the data from the posts, but also reported in detail on the relevance to the business.



Annual follower growth

+79.6% forecast

As a result of comprehensive management of Linkedin, including planning, posting, and scheduling, we were able to increase the number of followers by an average of 5% per month, and forecast annual follower growth of +79.6%.

Engagement rate

up 18.9%

The initial engagement rate was around 10%, but as a result of the operation, we were able to raise the engagement rate to 18.9%.

120% increase in the number of IT job seekers applying (compared to the previous year)

We received feedback that the number of Japanese IT job seekers applying increased by around 120% compared to the previous year.


I was happy that you held the meeting in Japanese and English, and that you created the document after understanding the content of the necessary posts. Furthermore, you advertised the content, and the results of the advertisement were good, so I looked forward to the easy-to-understand monthly report.


In order to create enthusiastic posts, it is important to conduct in-depth interviews with your company. In this case, we were able to create good content by creating posts based on the content you recorded in audio. Thank you for your cooperation. As a result, the number of applications from Japanese IT job seekers increased, and I think it was good that we were able to achieve results.


For this project, we were asked to handle the entire process of managing the content of the Linkedin page, from planning to design, writing and monitoring. As a result, we were able to increase the number of followers by an average of 5% per month, and successfully forecast an increase of +79.6% in the number of followers per year. In addition, by improving the engagement rate, we were able to increase the number of Japanese IT job seekers by 120% compared to the previous year.

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