Marketing Strategy and Management for an English School


IGNITE, an English school entering the Japanese market, provided a marketing strategy that not only optimized marketing but also actively consulted on reviewing teacher and student scheduling, etc., in order to expand the business of the English school.

Marketing Strategy and Management for an English School
English school based in Los Angeles

Developing English-language services in Japan

We provide ESOL services for Japanese users studying abroad in the US, and we had the idea of developing services online in Japan as well.

Our Solution

We provided comprehensive support for the development of services for Japanese users of an English language school. Specifically, we clarified the target persona and positioning for the Japanese market through research and simulation-based marketing strategy planning.


Support for marketing in the Japanese market

Having experience with PPC marketing in the US, it was possible to develop advertising campaigns in Japan. However, due to a lack of experience, knowledge and resources for implementing and optimizing online advertising campaigns in the Japanese market, it was not possible to carry out proactive marketing.

Notre solution

After the initial release, we carried out more than 6 landing page optimizations, more than 30 banner optimizations, and more than 50 monthly optimizations, and actively carried out marketing to secure the optimal marketing position.


Staff Management Consulting

There were problems with the scheduling of teachers and students, which was having a negative impact on the students. As a result, the retention rate was dropping alarmingly. In addition, the lack of punctuality and business etiquette on the part of the foreign teachers was leading to an increase in negative reviews and evaluations from students.

Notre solution

We developed a new scheduling system with the client's staff, introducing a new method that was easier to manage for both students and teachers. We provided manuals and training for the scheduling system, and worked to improve the schedule. For the issue of foreign teachers' punctuality and business manners not matching Japanese perceptions, we provided continuous training for the management side, and introduced guidelines for teachers to deal with Japanese customers. We also optimized staff management.


In addition to the scheduling problem, the foreign teachers' lack of punctuality and business etiquette was leading to negative reviews and an increase in reviews from students.

Our Solution

We provided continuous training to the management team to address issues such as the perceived differences between the punctuality and business manners of foreign teachers and those of Japanese people, and introduced guidelines for teachers to deal with Japanese customers. We also optimized staff management.



Clarifying the position in the Japanese market

Through research, simulations and planning, we clarified the client's target users, positioning and value proposition, and succeeded in materializing the possibility of gaining competitiveness in the local Japanese market.

CVR 1.3% → 3.5%,

CPA 23,000 yen → 13,000 yen

As a result of implementing optimization for more than 6 landing pages, 3 0 or more banners, and 50 or more optimizations were carried out each month, resulting in an improvement in CVR from 1.3% to 3.5%, and a decrease in CPA from 23,000 yen to 13,000 yen.

Development of a new scheduling


As a result of developing and introducing a new scheduling system with the client's staff, the retention rate improved from 41% to 72%. In addition, through continuous training for the management side, we introduced guidelines for teachers when dealing with Japanese customers, and student satisfaction improved by 56%.


The conversion rate has improved thanks to the landing page being changed as needed. In addition, the advertising banners were created while monitoring the results, so we are able to expect a stable number of inquiries each month. Rather than just advertising, you considered how to acquire profits from a marketing perspective as a whole and responded accordingly. You also managed our sales, and we were able to make improvements while checking the KPIs necessary to achieve our goals.


As a result of implementing various marketing measures, we had some twists and turns, but we were able to secure a certain amount of sales and get the business off the ground. The online English market is extremely competitive, but we constantly considered which points we should emphasize, and we continued to think about what we should implement and improve from scratch. Marketing is not a straightforward process, but we were able to discover a good appeal by finding a banner that was a hit with the ads, and this was because the person in charge responded with enthusiasm. We look forward to working with you in the future.


In order to expand the business of an English school based in Los Angeles, we developed and localized the school's services for the Japanese market and implemented proactive marketing measures. As a result, we were able to expand the school's business in the Japanese market, including improvements in CVR and scheduling between teachers and students. We will continue to provide services that are closely aligned with our customers' goals through a variety of services.

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