Japanese-English localization of pet product website


We researched and compiled a list of industry-specific technical terms for a pet product manufacturer, and translated their Japanese website into English to ensure that overseas customers would be satisfied. We also optimized the base site for SEO to create a structure that search engines could easily understand.

Japanese-English localization of pet product website
Pet supplies manufacturer

Accurate and speedy translation

We needed a translation service that could deliver translations quickly, as we were exhibiting at an overseas trade show. Furthermore, as the translations would be printed on paper, we also needed to ensure that they were accurate. For this reason, we were looking for a company that could deliver accurate and speedy translations.

Our Solution

We formed a team of five translators and proofreaders, and handled the translation and proofreading phases separately. As speed and quality were required, we were able to deliver quickly by having multiple members involved.


Creating high-resolution PDFs

We wanted to commission the design of a brochure for an exhibition, but we didn't have the original PDF data. Therefore, it was necessary to create a high-resolution PDF that could withstand printing from scratch.

Our Solution

Our design department used Illustrator to create designs for the pamphlets. We also handled the installation of detailed images and cut-out barcodes.


Accurate translation of products and information

It was very important in the translation to know which product was linked to which image and which product information it was. Also, as the products were food, accurate translation of the ingredient labels was also required.

Our Solution

Displaying product information is one of the most difficult types of translation. We checked the translation many times to make sure there were no mistakes, and made sure that the product was conveyed in a way that was easy to understand. We also paid attention to the capitalization and lowercase letters used in the product descriptions.


Our Solution



Utilizing English marketing materials as a base

We successfully translated the corporate website using industry-specific jargon, and later used it as a base for all English marketing materials, which helped to avoid duplication of work and save time and money.

Fast delivery

We were able to deliver the translation and PDF within the required timeframe.


translation content

We were also able to reflect the translated content on our website. This was a two-for-one deal, as we were able to translate the PDF files as well.


Thank you for your help despite the short time frame. I think you were very attentive in translating our website and PDF files. The person in charge was very responsive to our calls, online meetings and emails, so it was easy to communicate and move things forward.


For this project, we translated the client's website from Japanese to English, focusing on the introduction of industry-specific terminology, and were able to maximize the appeal of the message through copy editing and copywriting for the English version of the site. This new website was later used as the basis for all English marketing materials. Through this project, we were able to gain a deep understanding of the client's vision and were very happy to be able to help them communicate it to the world.


Through the localization services provided by IGNITE, we were able to achieve Japanese-English translation of a corporate website that utilized industry-specific technical terms. Through this case study, we were able to demonstrate that IGNITE's localization services can contribute to companies by introducing technical terms.

Case Studies

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