PPC Management for an Accessories Brand


We provided support for the release of an accessories brand in the Japanese market, including the creation of B2C advertising personas, campaign direction, setting, copywriting, and more.

PPC Management for an Accessories Brand
Men's accessories brand specializing in high-end umbrellas

In charge of advertising operations in the Japanese market

In the US and Japan, there are differences in how to understand the optimal media and budget allocation, so I was worried about how to understand them.

Our Solution

We had a dedicated account manager who was able to allocate the advertising budget and make adjustments as necessary. In advertising management, optimizing the advertising budget is extremely important. By having us take care of this part of the process, we were able to achieve good results.


Creative production and optimization

We needed to create the most suitable creative for the Japanese market. We already had e-commerce stores in seven countries around the world, and we had measures and materials in place, but we needed to optimize them for the Japanese market.

Our Solution

Our creative team has produced creative that is accepted by Japanese users while maintaining the brand image. To date, we have produced around 300 pieces of creative. We have a good understanding of which creative is most likely to be accepted, so we are able to achieve results.


Increasing ROAS by 300%

The key was to increase ROAS (return on advertising spend) by more than 300%.

Our Solution

After the ads started, we were able to quickly optimize them by checking their results through daily fixed-point observations. We took various measures, such as adding or stopping creative, adjusting budgets, and adding new campaigns and ad sets. And, as a result of adjusting Google Tag Manager to organize the data and continuing the analysis, we were able to raise the ROAS to over 300%.


Our Solution



Achieved a 300% ROAS in the first two months of advertising

In the first two months of advertising, a 300% ROAS was achieved, proving that the return on investment from advertising was extremely high and effective.

Reached $50,000 in monthly sales

As a result of detailed work on designing target personas, analyzing campaigns, and optimization, we reached $50,000 in monthly sales.

Average order value increased by 14.2%

After the start of advertising, we implemented various measures such as adding creative content and managing the ads, and as a result the average order value increased by 14.2% compared to the previous term.



We did our best to support the release of the brand in the Japanese market through PPC and social media advertising campaigns for the men's accessories brand. As a result, we were able to achieve a 300% ROAS, $50,000 in monthly sales, and a 14.2% increase in average order value just two months after starting the advertising campaign.


Thanks to the accurate analysis and planning support provided by IGNITE for PPC and social media advertising campaigns, we were able to achieve remarkable results in advertising operations in just two months. We will continue to provide strategies and services that meet the needs of our customers and aim for even higher results.

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