
ForCase Studies: eigner Hiring Support

Acquired 14 employees for an HR company through Facebook ads with a CPA of ¥5,000.


Dispatch Company

Through the foreign worker community, we were introduced to a contract worker dispatch company in Osaka that specializes in hiring and introducing jobs to foreign nationals.

On average this company has more than 100 foreign workers, dispatched all around Japan every year.

They handled a variety of positions such as large metropolitan cities, all the way to small villages in the countryside.

At the time of contact, the client was just starting a new batch of hiring for the year.

Dispatch Company
Case study of advertising support for a company hiring foreign workers

High Cost Per Acquisition

The client had many methods of recruiting foreign workers, however the main source of hiring was through the use of job boards.

The client spent large amounts of expense on job ad postings on boards every year.

From one job ad the client could hire multiple people. However in some urgent cases, they would put up a job ad for just one position.

Essentially leading to a CPA of more than ¥100,000+ for one hire.

Our Solution

We first tackled the most expensive issue the client was facing.

In urgent hiring cases, instead of turning to job boards we introduced a variety of facebook and instagram ads that were optimized to a specific area close to the open position, and to fit the worker persona of the dispatch location.

Over several different cases and campaigns were were able to provide the client with an overall average CPA of ¥5,000.


High Paced Hiring

As stated above, the client was regularly faced with urgent hiring situations.

In addition to these urgent cases, due to the nature of acquiring contracts in the industry the client was regularly put into tough situations of hiring a large number of people in a very short time frame.

This short time could be as short as 1 week, and the number of hires to be more than 10 new hires.

Our Solution

Once again through paid ads such as facebook and instagram, we were able to speed up the lead generation process.

Instead of utilizing adwords and job boards that require the user to first ‘search’ before seeing an ad, we focused primarily on reaching potential users in a more active stance.

These ads helped the client find 14 new hires in a space of only 2 weeks.


Limited Reach

Another challenge that arose with the client focused around finding new hires in the rural areas of Japan.

With a smaller number of population in these areas the impression amount in turn for impression-type ads was smaller.

The client was scheduled to have an increase in the number of openings in rural Japan and wanted a solution to increase their ad reach.

Our Solution

To target these rural areas, in addition to facebook and instagram hiring ads, we introduced a new referral-system to encourage the ‘sharing’ of these ads.

Through this added incentive, the potential reach of ads increased to new users that weren’t originally reached.



¥5,000 CPA

Through highly persona targeted facebook ads the client was able to decrease the CPA of ¥100,000 to ¥5,000 in an urgent-hiring situation.

Speed Hiring

By utilizing effective facebook and instagram ad campaigns, the client was able to increase the overall speed of lead generation. In one instance, hiring 14 new hires in 2 weeks.

Increased Reach

Through the introduction of a referral system, the client was able to increase their audience reach to the rural areas with smaller populations in Japan.

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