System Development for an English Conversation School


English Conversation School

At an English conversation school, all work was being done manually, and human error and a decline in efficiency were becoming problems. IGNITE used no-code development to introduce a CRM system and add automatic notification functions, and achieved improvements in work efficiency and a reduction in human error.

System Development for an English Conversation School
English conversation school

High rate of human error and low operational efficiency

As student bookings and teacher schedules were managed manually, there was a high rate of booking errors and schedule overlaps, and operational efficiency was low.

Our Solution

The introduction of a CRM system reduced the amount of manual schedule management. We developed and introduced a no-code CRM system that could centrally manage student information and reservation status. This prevented double bookings and delays in information transmission, and greatly improved operational efficiency.


Deployment of extra staff

We were spending a lot of time on things like scheduling teachers and contacting students, and we weren't able to focus on our core business.

Our Solution

We introduced a management system for teachers, and set up automatic emails to notify them of their working hours and location for the previous day. This made it easy for teachers to check their own schedules and student information. Furthermore, by introducing a system that automates tasks such as reminder emails and automatic notifications before classes begin, we reduced the workload of the person in charge.


Excessive workloads causing exhaustion throughout the organization

With many manual tasks and an environment where mistakes were likely to occur, the workloads of those in charge were heavy, and there was a possibility that this would lead to a decline in motivation and staff turnover.

Our Solution

We implemented an automatic notification function for weekly lesson confirmation copies linked to the school's lesson management calendar, and by promoting the automation and efficiency of work, we created an environment where the person in charge could focus on providing higher quality services and communicating with students. As a result, we were able to improve employee satisfaction and reduce the turnover rate.


Our Solution



Fewer booking errors

Booking errors were greatly reduced, averaging 1-2 per month. As a result, customer satisfaction improved and the company's reputation also improved.


The number of lessons canceled due to instructors being late was cut in half thanks to a reduction in human error, and punctuality improved. This led to an improvement in student satisfaction and also contributed to an improvement in lesson quality.

Increased LTV for general students

Communication and trust between the school and students increased, and the LTV for general students increased to 1.5 years. This led to an increase in revenue per customer, and contributed to the stabilization of management.


Our business efficiency has improved dramatically. The introduction of automatic notification functions and a CRM system has eliminated the hassle of the past and made communication with students smoother.


We built a system using no-code development to reduce human error and improve efficiency. As a result, we were able to improve our client's business, and they were very happy with the results.


We introduced a CRM system and automatic notification functions using no-code development to improve the operational efficiency and reduce human error in the English conversation school's operations, which had previously been carried out manually. As a result, the quality of school operations has improved significantly, with fewer appointment errors and better punctuality among teachers. Furthermore, communication between the school and students has become smoother, and the relationship of trust has been strengthened.

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