Advertising Management for an Advisory Firm


BtoB advisory company

We provided an advertising management service to a BtoB advisory company, with the aim of increasing the number of free consultations and reports. Through advertising management on Google and Yahoo! we achieved the target figures and contributed to the expansion of the client's business.

Advertising Management for an Advisory Firm
Advisory company

Increase in the number of conversions

With our previous marketing activities, the number of website accesses was on the rise, but the percentage of free consultations, requests for information, etc. that led to conversions was low.

Our Solution

In order to clarify the target audience for the client, we created personas based on customer data and interviews. This enabled us to analyze needs and behavioral patterns, and improve the accuracy of targeting.


Achieving KPIs within budget

Within the limited marketing budget, we were required to achieve both KPIs and cost effectiveness.

Our Solution

We selected advertising media with high cost-effectiveness, focusing on Google and Yahoo! ads. We also conducted a detailed keyword survey to maximize our reach to potential customers.


Effective advertising management

In order to continue to achieve results, it was urgent to build an effective advertising management system.

Our Solution

We started advertising on Google and Yahoo! and optimized our advertising through the PDCA cycle by conducting effective advertising and regular effectiveness measurement.


Our Solution



Achieving an average of 70 conversions per month

In addition to increasing the number of website visits, we achieved an average of 70 conversions per month. This contributed to an increase in free consultations and requests for information materials.

Achieved target figures at a CPA of around 4,300 yen

Achieved a CPA of around 4,300 yen. We achieved our KPI within the limited budget and realized high cost-effectiveness.

Achieved KPIs and increased conversion rate

We contributed to the expansion of the client's business by achieving KPIs and increasing the conversion rate.


Thanks to IGNITE, the number of free consultations and reports has increased significantly, leading to the acquisition of new customers. The cost performance is also good, and we are very satisfied.


We came up with and implemented an effective advertising strategy to help the client achieve their goals. As a result, we were able to exceed the target figures, which made us very happy.


In this case, we provided an advertising management service for a BtoB advisory company, and succeeded in increasing the number of conversions and achieving the KPI. From now on, IGNITE will continue to provide optimal advertising management to help our clients expand their business.

Case Studies

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