EC Website Creation for Kitchen Knife Sales


We created appropriate pages for each language in which the store sells knives, and improved usability and the user experience by speeding up the pages. We achieved a smooth purchase flow by linking Shopify and Webflow. We also translated the pages using native speakers to accurately reflect the nuances of each language.

EC Website Creation for Kitchen Knife Sales
Store in Sakai, Osaka that sells kitchen knives

Ensuring site consistency

The recruitment site, regular website and EC site were not integrated, and the site was inconsistent.

Our Solution

To address the issue of the lack of integration between the recruitment site, the regular website, and the EC site, we created appropriate pages for each language and improved the usability of all sites. This approach ensured consistency between sites and improved the user experience in a unified manner.


Improving SEO and usability

There were issues with SEO and usability because Japanese and English content were mixed on the same page.

Our Solution

To address the issue of Japanese and English content being mixed on the same page, we implemented page acceleration to provide a more comfortable user experience. This improvement solved the problem from both SEO and usability perspectives, and the content for each language was clearly divided. This greatly improved the efficiency of users' use of the site.


Refining the site structure

The site structure was not appealing to both overseas and Japanese customers. In addition, the company was unable to update product pages in-house, and this issue needed to be resolved.

Our Solution

In order to create a website structure that would appeal to both overseas and Japanese customers, we linked Shopify and Webflow to provide a smooth purchasing flow. In addition, we were able to overcome the issue of being unable to update product pages in-house by providing detailed translations by native speakers that reflected the nuances of each language, enabling smooth updates.


We were unable to update our product pages in-house, and they had stopped working.

Our Solution

For the issue of being unable to update the product pages in-house and causing a backlog, we achieved smooth updates by reflecting the nuances of each language through detailed translation by native speakers.



Number of page views and

clicks increased by about three times

As a result of creating appropriate pages for each language and responding quickly to issues after publication, the number of page views and clicks increased by about three times after the renewal.

Significant increase in inquiries

As a result of providing a comfortable user experience by speeding up the page, there was a significant increase in inquiries from the English version of the site.

Purchase flow through the linkage of Shopify and Webflow

In order to achieve a site structure that appeals to both overseas and Japanese customers, we provided a smooth purchase flow through the linkage of Shopify and Webflow, and achieved an improvement in customer satisfaction.


We asked for three websites - a website, a recruitment website and an e-commerce website - and at first we were worried about how they would turn out, but we're glad that we were able to get them up and running. Thank you for understanding our brand's intentions and for your support with the direction, website design and final launch. Thanks to you, the number of inquiries has increased greatly and we're now running out of stock. We're satisfied with all of the websites. Thank you.


Thanks to the cooperation of the person in charge, we were able to successfully publish the website. Thank you very much for your support. When we requested information that we were lacking, you were quick to share photos and text, etc., so we were able to create the website smoothly. We look forward to working with you again in the future.


For this project, we renewed the website by creating a smooth purchase flow and speeding up the pages through the integration of Shopify and Webflow. After the renewal, the number of page views and clicks increased by about three times, and we were also able to significantly increase the number of inquiries from the English version of the site.

Case Studies

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