Recruitment Support for a Foreign Staffing Agency


Foreign Worker Dispatching Company

We provided an advertising management service to support the recruitment activities of a temporary staffing agency. We achieved new hires at a CPA of 5,000 yen, and also effectively carried out high-paced recruitment activities and targeting in regional areas.

Recruitment Support for a Foreign Staffing Agency
Foreign worker dispatch company

Effective advertising management with reduced advertising costs

There was a desire to reduce dependence on recruitment agencies and reduce recruitment costs, while effectively attracting foreign talent.

Our Solution

For urgent recruitment, we used Facebook and Instagram ads instead of relying on job sites. We aimed to achieve highly cost-effective recruitment by delivering ads segmented by age, gender, nationality, and interests/concerns on Facebook and Instagram, which have a large target audience.


Speeding up the process of finding potential customers

We wanted to speed up the process from application to recruitment, and secure more foreign talent.

Our Solution

Paid advertising was used to speed up lead generation. By creating attractive job advertisements and setting appropriate targets, we were able to attract high-quality applicants. Furthermore, by strengthening the follow-up system after applications were received, we were able to facilitate the selection process.


Reduction in contract unit price

We wanted to reduce the overall cost of recruitment activities and achieve more efficient recruitment activities.

Our Solution

To reduce the cost per hire, we strengthened the applicant screening system. By carefully examining application documents and clarifying evaluation criteria for interviews, we were able to reduce mismatches and contribute to the reduction of the cost per hire.


Expanding reach using sharing functions

We wanted to reach out to potential foreign workers who could not be reached through conventional advertising.

Our Solution

By setting up an attractive referral system that people would want to introduce to their friends, we also hoped to encourage applications through word of mouth.



Emergency recruitment

We were able to secure the necessary personnel in a short period of time with ads that targeted personas with a high degree of precision at a CPA of 5,000 yen.

14 new employees recruited in 2 weeks

By implementing a speedy selection process, we were able to recruit 14 foreign employees in just 2 weeks.

Expanding viewer reach

We expanded the viewer reach to limited reach areas through the referral system.


We were able to recruit effectively in a short period of time. We were also able to expand our reach to rural areas, and we are very satisfied with the results. We would like to continue to receive support from you in our advertising strategy.


In this project, we were able to contribute to the client's recruitment issues with an effective advertising strategy, and we are happy about that. We would like to continue to grow together with our clients in the future.


The advertising management service that supports the recruitment activities of a temporary staffing agency realized new hires at a CPA of 5,000 yen, and was also able to effectively carry out high-paced recruitment activities and advertising to a limited target.

Case Studies

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