Ad Management for a Shopping Mall

프로젝트 세부 정보

Shopping mall

We provided advertising measures to a client who operates a shopping mall in Osaka Prefecture to increase reach and branding in shopping mall sales promotions. As a result, we succeeded in acquiring impressions using social media advertising, increasing awareness of the shopping mall campaign and leading to branding.

Ad Management for a Shopping Mall
Shopping mall
당면 과제

Improving the effectiveness of shopping sales promotions

With traditional advertising methods, we felt that our reach to our target audience was limited, and that we had issues with improving awareness of our shopping sales and attracting customers.

Our Solution

We identified the client's target audience and selected effective social media advertising platforms. Specifically, we set the main target audience as women in their 20s to 40s, and selected Instagram and LINE as advertising platforms with high usage rates.

당면 과제

Strengthening branding

With the number of competing commercial facilities increasing, it was necessary to differentiate the shopping mall and improve its brand image.

우리의 솔루션

We created advertising creative that expressed the unique appeal and worldview of the shopping mall. We also created taglines and advertising copy that would resonate with the target audience, and worked to improve the brand image.

당면 과제

Achieving high reach through advertising measures

We were looking for advertising measures that would be cost-effective and allow us to reach more potential customers within our limited budget.

우리의 솔루션

We started advertising using Instagram and LINE ads, and we targeted based on age, gender, and interests to maximize the effectiveness of the ads. Furthermore, we analyzed the ad distribution status as needed and implemented improvement measures as necessary, thereby implementing the PDCA cycle and realizing efficient advertising operations.


Our Solution



Achieved over 9,000,000 impressions

As a result of distributing advertisements using attractive photos and videos, we achieved results that exceeded the 8,000,000 impression target set for Instagram advertisements.

Over 8,000,000 impressions

As a result of placing ads in places where users are likely to see them, such as timelines and news feeds, we achieved a high level of reach that exceeded the 5,000,000 impression target set for LINE ads.

Improving campaign awareness and strengthening branding

The awareness of the shopping sale increased through social media advertising, leading to an increase in the number of visitors. In addition, the appeal of the shopping mall was communicated through advertising, which also contributed to improving the brand image.


The shopping sale promotion was carried out effectively, and we were able to appeal to many customers. We are very satisfied with the results, which greatly exceeded our target number of impressions.


In order to strengthen the client's shopping sale promotion and branding, we formulated and implemented an effective social media advertising strategy. As a result, we achieved a result that greatly exceeded the target number of impressions, and we received high praise from the client.


In the promotion of the shopping mall, we provided advertising measures to increase reach and branding, and were able to achieve the target number of impressions.

We provide a one-stop service for all manner of things, including website production, advertising management, social media management, and translation. We provide the most suitable service for each client's issue, and help them achieve their goals. In this case, too, we were able to receive high praise from the client.

Case Studies

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