Lead Generation for a Consulting Company

프로젝트 세부 정보

Consulting Firm

We provided an advertising management service to a consulting firm that was having trouble acquiring leads for free consultations. We implemented advertising management on Google and Yahoo! and succeeded in acquiring representative leads. As a result, we were able to achieve our goals, leading to an increase in lead acquisition and exceeding KPI targets.

Lead Generation for a Consulting Company
Consulting company
당면 과제

Increase in the number of leads

With our previous marketing activities, we were unable to acquire leads as we had hoped, and we were struggling to acquire new customers.

Our Solution

We clarified the client's target audience and created a persona. We analyzed their needs and behavior patterns and developed an advertising strategy that would effectively reach the target audience.

당면 과제

Achieving the target of 500,000 yen per month budget and 20,000 yen CPA

We were required to achieve the target CPA of 20,000 yen within the limited budget.

우리의 솔루션

We selected the most suitable advertising media and keywords, and used cost-effective Google and Yahoo! advertising. We achieved efficient advertising management through appropriate keyword selection and bidding strategies.

당면 과제

Effective advertising management

In order to maximize results on an ongoing basis, it was necessary to build an effective advertising management system based on data.

우리의 솔루션

We started advertising on Google and Yahoo! and effectively developed our advertising. In addition, we regularly conducted A/B testing and effect measurement, and analyzed advertising effects at any time to take improvement measures.


Our Solution



Achieving an average of 30 conversions per month

In addition to an increase in website traffic, we achieved an average of 30 conversions per month. We succeeded in acquiring high-quality leads.

Achieved target figures at a CPA of around 17,000 yen

We achieved a CPA of around 17,000 yen, and were able to exceed the target CPA of 20,000 yen.

Achievement of KPIs and increase in number of leads

We were able to contribute to the client's business growth by achieving KPIs and increasing the number of leads.


The number of leads participating in our free consultation service increased thanks to the advertising management service, and this led to business expansion. We were also able to achieve our target figures, so we are very satisfied.


We came up with and implemented an effective advertising strategy to help our client increase the number of leads they acquired and achieve their goals. As a result, we were able to achieve the target figures, and we are very happy about that.


In this case, we provided an advertising management service for a consulting firm, and succeeded in increasing the number of leads acquired and achieving the KPI. From now on, IGNITE will continue to provide optimal advertising management to help our clients expand their business.

Case Studies

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