Japanese to English Localization for a Sake and Shochu Manufacturer

프로젝트 세부 정보

Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association We researched and created a list of information on sake and shochu breweries across Japan. We then uploaded the translated information to WordPress, with the base site SEO optimized.

Japanese to English Localization for a Sake and Shochu Manufacturer
Sake and Shochu Makers Association
당면 과제

Our Solution

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우리의 솔루션

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우리의 솔루션


Our Solution



Contact us increased by 148%

Contact us increased by 148% By translating the directory and optimizing the base site for SEO, we increased the visibility of the site in Google searches, resulting in a 148% increase in contact us.



For this project, we translated over 1,100 store listings from Japanese to English and uploaded them to a WordPress CMS. We were also able to optimize the base site for SEO, which led to an increase in visibility on Google and a 148% increase in website inquiries, which we are very happy about.


Thanks to the localization services provided by IGNITE, visibility in Google searches increased, and inquiries increased by 148%. We will continue to provide one-stop services for all means to increase sales, such as website production, advertising management, social media management, and translation, while staying close to the goals of our customers.

Case Studies

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