Social Media Management for an Industrial Pump Manufacturer

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프로젝트 세부 정보

Industrial Pumps

We provided social media management services for the Japanese subsidiary of a global industrial pump company. Through IGNITE's social media management, the company's Facebook account gained a significant increase in followers, from 30 to 1142, and brand recognition improved.

Social Media Management for an Industrial Pump Manufacturer
Industrial pump manufacturer
당면 과제

Increasing brand recognition through social media

One of the issues we faced when entering the Japanese market was that our brand was not well known.

Our Solution

By combining posts and advertisements, we were able to increase the number of people reached, and we posted 4 to 8 posts each month, and also carried out appropriate advertising for the posts. We also set up a sales pitch axis tailored to the target, and we worked to improve recognition by sending out highly specialized product and company information.

당면 과제

Increasing the number of followers of a company's Facebook page

We set up a Facebook page, but the number of followers didn't increase, and the effectiveness of our information dissemination was limited.

우리의 솔루션

We ran a campaign to acquire followers using Facebook ads. We increased the number of followers efficiently by targeting based on interests and creating ad creative based on competitor research.

당면 과제

Increase the number of post categories to prevent customers from getting bored

We felt that it would be difficult to maintain the interest of our followers by just posting product information.

우리의 솔루션

We devised a system to prevent users from getting bored by dividing the posting genres into three categories and rotating them. For example, in addition to product introductions, we also worked to maintain the interest of our followers by distributing content from a variety of genres, such as case studies, industry news, and corporate culture.


Our Solution

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Number of followers increased by 3,800% from 30 to 1,142

Through strategic social media management, the number of followers increased by 3,800% from 30 to 1,142 in about one year.

Increased brand recognition

As the number of followers increased, the number of website visits and inquiries also increased, contributing to increased brand recognition.

Preventing user boredom

By distributing a wide variety of content, we have been able to improve the engagement rate of our followers and turn them into long-term fans.


Thanks to IGNITE, the number of followers on our Facebook account has increased dramatically. We are happy that the posts are varied and that you have made efforts to keep users interested.


In this project, we were able to successfully increase the client's brand recognition and achieve a significant increase in the number of followers. This is a clear result of the effectiveness of social media management, and we hope to increase the number of such successful cases in the future.


Thanks to the social media management services provided by IGNITE, the Japanese subsidiary of a global industrial pump manufacturer was able to significantly increase the number of followers on its Facebook account and successfully improve brand recognition. This in turn contributed to the client's business expansion.

In this project, we increased the number of posts by increasing the variety of genres and combining advertising and posts, thereby achieving effective social media management.

IGNITE will continue to provide optimal overseas marketing services while responding to the needs of a diverse range of clients.

Case Studies

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