SEO for a Matchmaking App

프로젝트 세부 정보

Matchmaking service

We will introduce a case study of how to effectively expand online customer acquisition for a matchmaking service by utilizing the SEO services provided by IGNITE. The client was able to acquire high-quality prospective customers and significantly increase the number of users who came to the site through organic searches.

SEO for a Matchmaking App
Matchmaking service
당면 과제

Developing high-quality customer acquisition methods other than paid advertising

In the past, we relied on paid advertising to attract customers, but the rising costs were becoming a problem. So we decided to focus on SEO as a high-cost-performance customer acquisition method.

Our Solution

By increasing the resolution of the personas and implementing effective filtering, we succeeded in acquiring high-quality prospective customers. Specifically, we analyzed the target users in more detail, selected keywords and created content tailored to the personas, and designed the website. We also thoroughly implemented the basic SEO measures for the website, such as internal website optimization.

당면 과제

Ranking highly in searches for targeted keywords

With many competing services, we aimed to improve search rankings for specific keywords to make it easier for target users to find the service.

우리의 솔루션

We reviewed our SEO strategy by creating content targeted at specific personas and expanding our web content. We created high-quality content that satisfied users' search intentions and needs, and published it on our website. We also worked on external measures such as acquiring links, and tried to improve our evaluation from search engines.

당면 과제

Improving the efficiency of acquiring potential customers

Although the number of website visits increased, the percentage of visitors who converted into requests for information or inquiries was low, and improvements were needed.

우리의 솔루션

We built a system that automatically sends personalized emails based on the website visitor's activity history. By effectively approaching users with high levels of interest in this way, we aimed to improve the conversion rate.


Improving the contract conversion rate

It was necessary to effectively convey the appeal of the service to users who visited the website and encourage them to take specific actions such as requesting information or registering as a member.

Our Solution

We improved the design and structure of the website to make it easier for users to understand and use. We also clarified the key selling points that effectively convey the appeal of the service, and strengthened the call to action in order to improve the conversion rate.



Number of users from organic search increased more than 10 times in about 3 months

The effects of SEO measures became apparent, and the search ranking for target keywords improved, resulting in a significant increase in organic search traffic.

Ranked in the top three for targeted keywords

We were able to secure an advantage over competing services by appearing on the first page of search results for our main target keywords.

Introduction of automated email marketing improves efficiency of acquiring potential customers

By streamlining the approach to potential customers, we were able to reduce human resources and focus on other tasks.


Thanks to IGNITE's SEO measures, the number of visitors from organic searches has increased significantly, and the conversion rate has also improved. The automated email marketing has also been effective, and we have been able to smoothly acquire potential customers.


Thank you for allowing us to work on SEO for your matchmaking service. We are very happy that we were able to propose the most suitable measures to meet your needs and that they were successful. We will continue to support you in the future, so please continue to work with us.


By utilizing the SEO services provided by IGNITE, the online customer acquisition for the matchmaking service was effectively expanded. Specifically, the number of users from organic searches increased significantly, and the site was able to rank highly in searches for targeted keywords. In addition, the introduction of automated email marketing improved the efficiency of acquiring potential customers, and the contract conversion rate increased by 1.5 times.

As a result, the client was able to acquire high-quality prospective customers, leading to greater operational efficiency and maximized results. Through this case study, it has been proven that the SEO services provided by IGNITE can make a significant contribution to the success of online customer acquisition.

Case Studies

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