Multilingual Translation of YouTube Videos

프로젝트 세부 정보

We provided multilingual translation of subtitles, titles, tags, and summaries for videos by YouTubers, translating from Japanese into English, Chinese, Portuguese, and Korean. We provided high-quality translation that took into account every detail, including SEO keyword research, translation standards, and the creation of regulations.

Multilingual Translation of YouTube Videos
당면 과제

Our Solution

당면 과제

우리의 솔루션

당면 과제

우리의 솔루션


Our Solution



The number of views worldwide

increased by 132%

. By displaying subtitles on almost all of the uploaded videos, the number of views worldwide increased by 132%.



In this project, the client's videos were translated into multiple languages, which proved to be very successful, resulting in a significant increase in the number of views worldwide. This result clearly shows the synergistic effect of multilingual translation and YouTube videos. We aim to continue to increase the number of such successful cases in the future.


As a result of multilingual translation of subtitles and tags for YouTube videos, we have succeeded in increasing the number of global views for the channel. Through this case study, it has been proven that the multilingual translation service provided by IGNITE can greatly contribute to the number of views for YouTube videos.

Case Studies

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