Top 3 Ways Japanese Salarymen Spend Money

Top 3 Ways Japanese Salarymen Spend Money

In modern Japan, many salarymen have a variety of expenses in their busy daily lives. Not only do they work from early in the morning until late at night, they require expenses to support their families, and also for socialising and relaxing. AirTrip Corp., which operates the comprehensive travel platform Airtri, has conducted a survey of 843 men and women in their teens to 70s on the ranking of what they were happy to spend money on and what they regretted spending money on in Japan. Here, we will explore in detail the top three items that salarymen spend money on in particular.

Ways Salarymen Spend Their Money

  1. Drinking
  2. Hobby
  3. Lunch

1. Drinking

Beers at a table

The first item on the list is drinking. For salarymen, an after-work drink is an important time to relieve daily stress and to deepen communication with colleagues and superiors. Grabbing an occasional drink not only facilitates working relationships, but also provides a valuable opportunity for unwinding. Socializing often leads to new project ideas and business opportunities. However, excessive drinking has a negative impact both health-wise and financially, so it is important to set boundaries such as only going out once a week, or limiting your budget each month, for example.

Tips to Save Money

  • Don't attend after-parties: If you go to multiple bars every time you go out for a drink in the heat of the moment, you will end up paying even more for drinks. Going home early also eases the impact on your health the next day.
  • Cooking your own lunch: You can save a lot of money on food costs by cooking your own lunch every day instead of eating out. In particular, bringing your own lunch box can provide you with a healthy diet and reduce costs compared to eating out.

2. Hobbies


Next on the list is the cost of hobbies. It is important for everyone to find enjoyment outside of work and to refresh themselves away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. For example, spending money on activities like sports, music, watching films, reading or travelling, can bring a sense of spiritual satisfaction.

Cyclists invest in expensive road bikes and related goods for a weekend of cycling, while music lovers go to concerts and live performances to refresh themselves through the experience. By spending time and money on their hobbies, they relieve stress and improve their work performance.

However, excessive spending on hobbies can have an impact on household finances. One thing you can do to combat this issue is to plan and manage the costs of your hobbies. For example, it is important to set a monthly budget and try to enjoy them within this budget. In addition, finding hobbies that are free or cost-effective alternatives can help you to spend quality time in a way that is affordable.

3. Lunch

Japanese bento boxes

Finally, there is the cost of lunch. According to the 2019 Salarymen's Pocket Money Survey by Shinsei Bank Ltd, the most common breakdown of lunch for male office workers was bringing their own low-cost lunchboxes (34.0%), followed by lunchboxes purchased at convenience stores or supermarkets (23.6%), the canteen (18.4%) and eating out (16.1%). Lunchtime is a time of refreshment in a busy day, and a good meal can energise you for the rest of the day. Many office workers may enjoy it as a small luxury.

This includes bringing a packed lunch from home and finding healthy and economical ways to enjoy lunch by refraining from eating out a few times a week. For example, you can easily save money by using leftovers from the previous day's dinner to make a simple packed lunch. However, on busy days or special occasions, it is also a good idea to treat yourself to a meal out. In this way, by managing your lunch costs wisely, you can make the most of your daily lunchtime while living a healthy and economical lifestyle. With a little ingenuity, you can enjoy a highly satisfying lunch and add zest to your daily life.


The top three ways salarymen spend their pocket money are on drinks, hobbies and lunch. These expenses play an important role in relieving work stress and enhancing daily life. By spending your pocket money wisely, you can balance your work and personal life while living a healthy and economical lifestyle. It allows you to maintain your quality of life and increase your savings for the future.

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